Most contactors and construction clients insist that workers on their sites hold the appropriate CSCS (Construction Skills Certificate Scheme) card for the occupation being undertaken.  Not having the appropriate CSCS card can mean it is not possible to gain entry to a construction or other workplace site until the card is produced.


The CSCS card scheme provides people employed on construction sites with an industry-wide means of proving their competency to carry out specific work on site.  They give employers a recognised means of checking identity and qualifications.

The CSCS has produced some useful publications including:

Types of CSCS cards available

There is a range of CSCS cards to reflect the various occupations in construction.  The cards are colour coded and can, briefly, be categorised as follows:

To apply for any card you need to

The information above is general introduction to the CSCS cards available, and is a brief guide only.  For full details on the cards available and the specific requirements of each one please refer to


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