Full members shall be persons whose primary business is in the construction industry and who undertake specialist underpinning and subsidence repairs and/or retro fit basement construction and/or engineered foundations.


 is open to non-contractors who offer:

  • associated services
  • consultancy
  • other ASUC relevant services

Making a Membership Application

All applicants (Full, Associate/Consultant Members) must:

  • Complete the relevant ASUC application form
  • Accept and agree to comply with the relevant ASUC Rules and Byelaws
  • Support the activities of the Association

Read the information below for more specific information on all categories of membership


Full membership carries voting rights (one member – one vote) and is divided into three categories:

CATEGORY 1 for companies whose primary business is in the construction industry and who undertake:
Specialist Domestic: Underpinning & subsidence repair techniques and structural works to single storey domestic basements (value less than £300,000) and structural works to single storey domestic retro-fit basements including waterproof works (value less than £300,000)

CATEGORY 2 for companies whose primary business is in the construction industry and who undertake:
Specialist Domestic: Structural works to all multi-storey retro-fit basements and others with structural element greater than £300,000 in value and Structural works to all multi-storey retro-fit basements and others with structural element greater than £300,000 in value including waterproofing works

CATEGORY 3 for companies whose primary business is in the construction industry and who undertake:
Installing Engineered Foundation Solutions, in the domestic and light industrial sector, this includes foundation systems with ground beams and or slabs.

Briefly, for Full Membership applicant companies must:

  • Have adequate general and technical management expertise and supervisory personnel at each of their places of operation;
  • Have experienced labour under the direct supervision and control of the member company;
  • Have an acceptable form of records, regularly maintained, of all employees, detailing their  training and experience;
  • Have a system of quality control acceptable to the Association;
  • Operate with due regard to the safety and well-being of employees and the public and have  an acceptable safety policy and safety standards;
  • Demonstrate that they are continuously engaged in the activities listed above with a two year trading history and a net worth for Category 1 and 3 applicants of £150,000 and for Category 2 applicants of £350,000;
  • Be prepared to submit to independent examination with regard to technical, financial, insurance and health and safety capability;
  • Have appropriate insurance in place for all the activities undertaken.


This category is for non-contractor companies only who offer a service related to domestic underpinning and subsidence repair techniques and basement construction, or non-contractors who offer consultancy and similar services, for example:

  • Material suppliers: cement, steel, waterproofing materials, etc
  • Service providers
  • Insurers of previously underpinned properties
  • Other consultants and institutes

This category of membership does not carry voting rights and applicants must be:

  • Trading for at least one year and provide one year’s trading accounts
  • Be proposed by an existing ASUC Full Member

*Please note that membership is automatically renewed each year for all categories. You need to provide 4 months’ written notice if you wish to resign from membership.

To receive a MEMBERSHIP PACK click here and leave your contact details.  An application pack containing all the necessary information will be emailed to you.

To download a copy of the Membership Criteria and Fees details in full click here

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