In ASUC News

ASUC members met at The Oxfordshire Hotel for their general meeting on the 29th June 2023.

Chair, Dominick Gallagher welcomed the meeting with enlightening comments. His opening address spoke about optimism of the future of ASUC, the importance of attracting new members and ensuring that current members are working towards ASUC’s auditing goals. Dominick emphasized the need for fresh ideas and perspectives to invigorate ASUC’s mission. This was also discussed In the meeting under item ‘proposed strategic review’ whereby Simon Haslam gave an update and input into what are the core benefits and values of ASUC. Another significant announcement made was the official hand over of the Executive Director Role which was passed from Rob Withers to his successor, Lauren Fairley. A long standing member and an instrumental force for the association, Dominick took a moment to thank Robs unwavering dedication, contribution and invaluable leadership over the years and welcome Lauren into her new position.


Following the meeting, to celebrate Rob’s remarkable career and bid him a fond farewell, a retirement party was organised. Guests from near and far, including colleagues from long ago, gathered to honour and show their appreciation for Rob’s many accomplishments. The festivities took place with a vibrant BBQ buffet that delighted everyone’s taste buds.

A farewell presentation by new Executive Director, Lauren followed the evening meal. Which showcased highlights of Rob’s career. Such as, taking the role in 2012, the introduction of associate members in 2015, the introduction of Engineered Foundation in 2016, leading the association through the pandemic in 2020 and much much more. A toast of bubbles from the unfortunately absent Patterson Construction has everyone up clanking their glasses to his retirement.

The highlight of the evening was a presentation of gifts to Rob, symbolizing different aspects of his personality and interests. A clay spade was given as a tribute to his dedication (and unwavering love) for underpinning! Theatre vouchers, acknowledging his passion for the arts, and an engraved bottle of vodka, which, well… symbolises what happens when you head up ASUC (good luck Lauren!).



Thank you to everyone who attended the event, members, ex-members, colleagues and friends. We had a fantastic evening and are very much looking forward to our next get to together at the ASUC awards in London on the 24th November 2023.

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