The ASUC Chairman, Simon Haslam, welcomed members to the meeting at the world famous entertainment venue, the Cafe de Paris, and thanked the sponsors: Knightbuild, Mixamate, MDIS, M J Rooney and Franki Foundations, for their generous support of the event.
He presented an overview of some recent initiatives, which included setting objectives for the three types of membership category, Underpinning & Subsidence Repair, Engineered Foundation Solutions and Basements. Following which the results of the on-line training survey were discussed. The survey demonstrates members on going commitment to maintain high standards of training with their workforces.
John Patch gave a presentation on AFCS (The ASUC Foundation Competency Scheme) and UKAS accreditation. The scheme will raise the quality, environmental and sustainability standards within the industry by introducing a rigorous training and operative certification process which will ensure contractors are qualified to deliver those standards. Building Control warmly welcomed the introduction of the scheme which would also benefit customers and warranty providers.
Once the UKAS accreditation process had been completed it will form part of the ASUC membership application process and the new Foundations Scheme would further complement this initiative.